Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Gone are the days when office work for women was a taboo. Today’s corporate world is decorated with women executives and employees right from bottom to top levels.
Women and Office work never went hand in hand in India till 1980’s. However, the scenario is totally different in the 21st century due to a rapid growth of the country’s economy and an influx of foreign investment in different sectors.

Recent surveys suggest that women are better performers than their male colleagues in many fields. They rub shoulders and stand as equals. "A working woman" is the trend of the era.

The urge to excel in the new opening in the society has changed the female count in an organization. The ratio of women employees has gone up from 1:75 to 20:75 (approx.). Females are proving to be better than males in the working world today. Any field it may be IT, manufacturing, banking, telecommunication, pharmaceuticals, human resource etc. They are present everywhere. Especially, HR field in almost any organization is ruled by women nowadays.

Even with all the changes that have taken place in the society, an overnight change in the mentality of people is not to be seen, India being a secular, religious and an underdeveloped country.

In the rural areas, the conditions are still not conducive for the female sex. Literacy rate is poor. They are underpaid and overworked.. They are driven by the social constraints and dharma, wherein the life they live is that of ignorance. Their lives are that of a frog in a pond that thinks the world is only as big as that the pond.

A vast majority of women, in rural areas, go through the medieval pattern of minimum education, early marriage, families to take care off and kids. Their lives revolve around their families, society and dharma. They do house work and in some places they even work from their homes in the form of part-time jobs on a day-to-day basis. They have been blindfolded towards the practicalities and the real world. They are not allowed to peek outside the window at the real world - the fast pace it has taken up, changes that the country is going through in terms of technology, goods and services and trends. And it is rightly said that "Ignorance is bliss".

Conditions for women- working and non-working- in the urban areas too cannot be dubbed as ideal, however they are improving gradually as a result of growing economy and dearth of workforce.

Unlike men, women have to prove themselves at every step as not merely their work but their living style is also judged. For them it is a dual challenge of making something out of their lives and even shaping their family members’. They become perfect in time management and training. They are performers from every angle.

There are various award functions organized for the business women in today’s date like "Women in Business Awards", "25 Most powerful women in business awards", etc. which portray the levels a women has achieved. And at a time like this why forget Parmeshwari Godrej, Swati Piramal, Punita Lal, etc the living epitome of a successful business women.

Even after all these achievements a woman is not granted the same respect in various work places just because of her sex. Her credentials do not matter while they are being put down in comparison to the male species. Quotas along with a code of conduct have been put in place for women in the constitution in various fields but yet sexual harassment cases are not less in the work places. Women have to go through a lot of loops to get their personal and professional lives in order. Because they are not expected to work by the society, only run the household, raise families and pretend that they do not have a mind of their own. The drive to prove this thinking wrong has brought the women out of their shells to the stage where they are the best professionals in the community.
India is in the phase wherein it is moving from the medieval era to the new ear, where women stand and rub shoulders with the men in all fields.
But the question is When will the quest be over to prove that all are equal and talent is what counts the most?"
Women have the right like every human being to use their talent gifted to them, will we acknowledge it as a society about it?

- Garima Bubna

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